Javed Najhafeez
English/ J. Coopers
Essay #3
“Worthless, control= chaos, insignificant, voluntary slavery or required by demand v.s-no option, need money cant find job so put self through hardship to get what is necessary you know what youre signing youself up for then get sucked in just because u need the money!”
Within the CAFO system (concentrated animal feeding operation), both the lives of animals and humans can be referred to as slavery and voluntary slavery. and serves no purpose other than what CAFO requires. CAFO requires humans to subject themselves to a lifestyle that surrounds the practice. Humans are to devote their time and energy at worksites that practice CAFO activities and in connection consumers must support this system. A system in which, after years of consuming of CAFO food products may be the leading cause of their diseases, their future generations’ diseases, financial deficit and death. Animals unlike humans do not have a choice in the way their lives are being altered to benefit production. Animals are more of factory robots programmed by modified feeding products to interfere with their lives in order to make the company profit. Within the CAFO system there is no such thing as life. Animals and humans are deprived of the very thing they were granted with, life. As I stated before the lives of animals are modified, therefore animals no longer have a say in the way they are brought up. Consequently, humans suffer as a result to the poor lives that animals suffer through. Humans suffer in many ways. Human beings over a period of constant consumption of CAFO products can be prone to sicknesses or and diseases that may lead to death. Also some hidden costs can be, financial costs of constantly buying food that kills you faster, or paying unnecessary hospital bills and the deterioration of society by helping to maintain this way of life, the CAFO way of life that is. Society is an innocent victim that is simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. Nature along with society was put here for the intensions of it being used in an ethical way, a free way of doing things. However, over the past decades the very ones meant to preserve it, began to destroy it. By pollution the air with the smell of animal waste, along with creating thousand miles water dead zones. In addition, causing unnecessary sickness to families who are exposed to the horrors of the CAFO system’s practices. Life as we know it is at its breaking point. Nature is soon to be against us. The thousands of miles of dead zones causing less sea life, this means no seafood. The air being polluted, which means the ozone layer is deteriorating. These are only two examples of why the way in which we live needs to be different. If not for us, but for our future generation.
Well I think this is one of your best blogs. You have some interesting ideas however you can make a few changes to make this blog a little better. You should check you spelling and also you should talk about the people the industry have working their (immigrants) and why they are their supporting the way ways which cause a lot of problems for the United States. I like your whole idea on slavery and voluntary slavery but I think you should elaborate more as to how it is voluntary slavery to the people when they can just get up and leave. And the last thing I would say is you not mention the future generation so much because this is what’s happening now. Overall nice blog :)